Heritage Hunting Safaris (Pty) Ltd.
Warum Sie unseren Stand besuchen sollen?
Wollen Sie eine richtige Big Game und Dangerous Game Safari in Ostafrika in traditionellem Stiel erleben, dann sind Sie bei uns richtig.
Marken, die wir vertreten.
Heritage Safaris Tanzania
Heritage Safaris Ltd. is a seasoned Operator/Outfitter offering world class hunting safaris in the Selous Game Reserve. We operate and run 2 of the prime blocks in the Selous Game Reserve. Combined these blocks consist of almost 300,000 hectares / 750,000 acres of pristine African wilderness. Tanzania and especially the Selous are considered by many experienced big game hunters as the crown jewel of African hunting. Not only does Tanzania boast a vast game list, but also prides itself on its safari traditions as experienced by the great hunters of yesteryear, catering to its reputation.
Jagdveranstalter SafarisGalerie der Produkte und Dienstleistungen
Heritage Hunting Safaris (Pty)
Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cay II, Road Town
VG1110 Tortola
Britische Jungferninseln